Wednesday 15 January 2014

Glossary: Array

Glossary: Array

1.Glossary: Array - Animation

Description:In ActionScripting, an array is an object that lists various
items/objects, from numbers to variables to values.

2.Glossary - World Wind Energy Technology Platform

Description:Array Efficiency. Windturbines organised in an array influence
those wind turbines that are in the wake. This results in less than
ideally expected energy output from ...

3.Definition of Array - PC

Description:An array is a data structure that contains a group of
elements. Typically these elements are all of the same data type, such as
an integer or string.

4.array : Java Glossary - Mind Prod

Description:array A fixed length block of primitives or references. Java
never stores blocks of repeating structures. It always creates blocks of
references to separately stored ...


Description:JAVA GLOSSARY. Array. An array is simply a sequence of either
objects or primitives, all the same type and packaged together under one
identifier name ...

6.Glossary — CakePHP Cookbook 2.x documentation

Description:HTML attributes. An array of key => values that are composed
into HTML attributes. For example:

7.Excel Spreadsheets Glossary of Terms - Array Definition

Description:Definition: An array is range or group of related data values.
In a spreadsheet program such as Excel the values in an array are normally
stored in adjacent cells.

8.Definition of Arrays. How Arrays are Used in Mathematics. What ...

Description:Definition: In math, an array refers to a set of numbers or
objects that will follow a specific pattern. An array is an orderly
arrangement, often in rows, columns or ...

9.Glossary « WordPress Codex

Description:Glossary . This document is designed to offer definitions for
various terms, ... Array . An array is one of the basic data structures
used in computer programming.

10.Glossary: Dell OpenManage™ Array Manager 3.4

Description:Back to Contents Page. Glossary . Dell OpenManage™ Array
Manager 3.4 Use this glossary to find the definitions of terms pertinent
to Array Manager.

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